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新聞傳播業 作者 Views 發表時間

2015銘傳大學國際學術研討會 傳播組開始徵件

kiki83818 1,739 10/24/2014 10:17AM


star2010 1,890 08/27/2014 01:55AM


gustav 5,863 11/19/2010 10:21AM

Re: 李登輝上新聞面對面

gustav 1,579 11/20/2010 04:36PM

Re: 李登輝上新聞面對面

Cassidy 1,513 11/21/2010 12:57AM

Re: 李登輝上新聞面對面

gustav 3,686 (1) 11/21/2010 02:30AM

晨星劇團創團15週年大型歌舞劇 經典奇幻喜劇---禮物中的祝福

msdrama 3,072 01/31/2011 01:47PM

新聞業危機 新聞學者:獨立媒體站出來 [政大校園新聞 2010-12-11]

adaptor 4,142 12/11/2010 10:57AM

2010晨星劇團國際藝術家交流展演 「彼得與瑪莉」口碑加演版

msdrama 3,242 11/11/2010 04:32PM


msdrama 3,053 10/27/2010 11:47AM

來台灣求醫 香港Baby 甩呼吸器(台北榮總「兒科氣管支架植入術」)

HP 5,326 08/12/2010 08:33PM


gustav 6,147 12/18/2009 12:17PM

「我在壹週刊的日子」 曾蘭淑現身說法傳經驗

gustav 5,202 12/18/2009 11:01AM

[Infotech] In the Era of Internet, Expert Encourages Students in College of Communication to Equip Themselves with the Ability to Use New Tools

gustav 4,135 09/27/2009 09:25PM

Re: [Infotech] In the Era of Internet, Expert Encourages Students in College of Communication to Equip Themselves with the Ability to Use New Tools

HP 767 09/27/2009 09:55PM

Re: [Infotech] In the Era of Internet, Expert Encourages Students in College of Communication to Equip Themselves with the Ability to Use New Tools

gustav 694 09/27/2009 10:14PM

[資訊科技] 網路興起 專家勉勵傳播學院學生強化新工具使用能力應對

gustav 4,889 09/27/2009 09:26PM